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ASIDQI WA SADIQIN is an Islamic association gathering 7500 Senegalese citizens, who believe to ALLAH and who promote the same values of solidarity, integrity, human rights, people’s welfare. They all came together from community based organizations called "MASLAK".

In twelve years of existence, AWS have boasted positive changes in five social areas :

Education : through an early childhood care and education program which registered more than 500 young children from different sub-areas in Dakar.

Medical care : through a medical centre which ensure daily medical checks to communities, specially women for prenatal consultations and follow up, children for regular inoculations and treatments. More than thousand people have been registered in 2012/13 as beneficiaries.

Poverty alleviation : through a micro-credit program which helped hundreds of women to hold their own micro-enterprise and participate in local and national economic growth.

Islamic predication : "DAHWA" through a modern Madrasa program which combines Alkhur aan learning centers, religious education forums, income generating activities. More than hundred young people and adults are studying the Alkhour aan, Islamic knowledge, basic skills for local entrepreneurship.

ASW five years strategic plan:

In 2018, ASW aims to be:

Among lead organizations in community health area (child and mothers protection and wellbeing)

Among lead organizations in community based education institutions, ensuring the right to basic education and promoting religious citizenship and active participation to the expansion of Islamic values.

An NGO supporting growing community religious organizations across the country through ASW ISLAMIC FUND An International NGO with diplomatic status in the hosting country (Senegal)